Sussex Print

Sussex Print
Address: 45 Old Mill Close - BN1 8WE - Brighton- UK
 You must accept the privacy policy before proceeding
Telephone:01273 507667
Mobile:07798 661262
Kind of business:Print brokerage and print management
Director:Richard Beeforth
Website:Web Site

Sussex Print is an independent, print brokerage and print management company, based in Sussex but serving clients all over the UK.
We don't just manage paper based print projects though - our product portfolio consists of four major streams:

  • Traditional paper products such as letterheads, stationery or business cards, bro-chures, client mailings etc. are all covered.
  • Promotional goods - recent items include umbrellas, lanyards, mousemats, USB keys, carrier bags, ice scrapers, mugs and pens. If we can source it, we can print on it too.
  • Signage – internal and external, large or small, programmes or one-offs are equally provided for; and
  • Office stationery is supplied at very competitive prices. All the usual products you would expect (paper, envelopes, pens, files, folders etc) plus anything else you need are all available at discount prices.

Although you may have an excellent relationship with your current printer/supplier, we offer a great option to save money by giving us a chance to quote.

If we can provide the same or better quality of product for a cheaper price, we are happy for you to use the quote to leverage your current printer (or award us the business).

If we can't get a quote cheaper, then you know you have a good deal already. You can't lose!

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